Have creepy crawly snake taken over your home or office? Never fear – Francis Animal & Pest Control can help! Snakes are difficult to catch and should only be handled by a professional. Most people are concerned when they see a snake due to their fear of them. Most snakes are not poisonous, but can still bite. If you are bitten, please try to remember what the snake looked like. If searing pain is involved, they were poisonous and you need to seek immediate medical attention.

The Most Common Snake Complaints:

Most bites occur when people are trying to trap or kill snakes. Your best bet is to just avoid them all together.

How Do I Get Rid of Snakes?

If you live in Minnesota and are experiencing problems with snakes invading your lawn or pool, call Francis. We are professionals and can get the job done right the first time.

Call us at 866-838-2868 to get started.